Cynthia's Summer Adventure

This blog will chronicle my journey through the process of septal myectomy surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. My surgery is currently scheduled for August 11, 2006.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Is anyone still out there?

Today is July 4, 2010, and I am wondering whether there is anyone out there who is still reading this blog. Lots has happened since my last entry, but the most important thing is that I am still feeling well almost 4 years after my surgery. It took some time and adjustments of both my ICD and my medications, but today I am feeling better than I have since my surgery four years ago. If anyone is wondering whether they should have a myectomy, with the benefit of hindsight, I would still say an unqualified "YES!"

I have not felt perfect since my surgery. I still have a very serious heart condition. I was not "cured" by the surgery. I have had periods of symptoms, particularly chest pain, since the surgery. However, these symptoms were never anywhere as debilitating as were the symptoms prior to surgery. Additionally, I was able to make some easy adjustments and improve the symptoms. Today, I would say that the symptoms I experience are transient. I now go days, even weeks, without noticing an HCM symptom. Before the surgery, I did not even go hours.

Jesse has just completed 2nd grade and is bound for 3rd. He continues to do well. I am posting a picture of the two of us taken recently.
