Cynthia's Summer Adventure

This blog will chronicle my journey through the process of septal myectomy surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. My surgery is currently scheduled for August 11, 2006.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

1 year anniversary

Well, today - August 11 - is the first anniversary of my myectomy. One year ago at this time I was in the post op cardiac ICU at the Mayo Clinic. This year, Vince, Jesse and I are getting ready for a day trip to Catalina Island tomorrow to meet some friends who have a vacation house there for the summer.

Earlier this summer we traveled for two weeks to Hawaii - to Oahu and then Maui where we stayed at the Four Seasons with Vince's family for his parents' 50th anniversary and hung out with movie and rock stars. We also tooks a day trip down to San Diego on the train to visit Comic Con.

Would I have the surgery again? Absolutely. No regrets at all. I feel well. Not perfect, but pretty well. My chest pain is negligible whereas it used to be disabling. I go to the gym 4 - 5 times a week, have dropped almost 10 lbs. (although I am planning on another 10 and have rejoined Weight Watchers!) and have considerably more exercise tolerance than I had before the surgery. I will always have health challenges --the myectomy was not a cure, but it has certainly improved my quality of life, which was the reason for the surgery (and hopefully it has improved my long term prognosis -- time will tell!)

I am planning to return to Mayo in November to learn about and speak at a conference on patient and family centered health care. Helping to improve the health care system is becoming more and more of a passion in my life. Hopefully some good can come out of all that I have experienced in the last several years.

In other news, Jesse is starting kindergarten in a couple of weeks! We are excitedly preparing for this big milestone in his life. One of the reasons I chose to have surgery last year was so that I could help him get ready this summer, so I am doing my best. Above is a picture from his preschool graduation. Also attached is a photo from our Hawaii trip in June. Note the scar. It is pretty faint, and it has faded even more now. You can barely notice it unless you are up close and looking. Note that having the surgery enabled me to climb up the stairs on the mountain in Maui so I could get up to the lookout where the picture in this entry was taken. I never could have done that before the surgery.

So, until next time.....

Aloha and Mahalo!!!

See you around the grammar school.