Cynthia's Summer Adventure

This blog will chronicle my journey through the process of septal myectomy surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. My surgery is currently scheduled for August 11, 2006.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Thursday/Friday - getting ready to come home.

Sorry for not posting on Thursday. I didn’t have the energy after we came back from a full day of touring around Rochester.

I spent some time in the morning making travel arrangements for our departure Saturday (hey, by the way, does anyone want to pick us up at LAX on Saturday around 4:10??? If so, please e-mail me at my regular e-mail if you know it, or at the one for the blog: hypertroph AT pacbell DOT net). We need a large-ish car as I have to sit in the back seat, and we have a fair amount of luggage.

Around lunch time we went down to the clinic/downtown area. Vince dropped me in the front, and there they will just loan you a wheelchair. No driver’s license, clinic number, or i.d. of any kind required. They are just here to serve the patients. Pretty nice, Anyway, I got a chair right away, and waited for Vince to park. Then, we roamed around the underground subway system connecting the Mayo, various hotels around it, and the many, many stores in the tunnels. It’s sort of like Montreal’s subway system, but on a much smaller scale. Anyway, we had lunch, shopped, and then went back to the clinic where we looked at much of their amazing art and some of their historical exhibits.

I walked like I was supposed to. Every now and then Vince would just dump me out and make me walk a stretch. Well, not really dump and make, but I have to say, shopping and browsing around stores and touring museums is a much greater impetus to walk than just walking from the hotel room to the front desk and back every so often.

Today we are scheduled to have a last look-over by the doctors, and then tomorrow, its off to the Minneapolis airport where we WON”T have any liquids. Man, the good old days of traveling are apparently gone forever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cynthia and Vince,

Have a safe trip home. Hope they offer water on the airplane. Be sure to move around on the plane, even if it is just in your seat.

I am writing from Victoria, B.C., where Arnold and I are spending a few days. It is such a beautiful city and the weather is perfect. We will be back in Shelton by Monday evening.

Keep on blogging! We want to hear how you all are doing.



10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to see you are able to go shopping again and in less then 7 days.

Have a safe trip home.

Barbara & Stuart

2:12 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Hi Cynthia,

I am reading through your blog from the beginning and just had to stop and say THANK YOU to you and your husband for posting such detailed reporting from your experience before, during, and after myectomy. I am scheduled to have a septal and apical myectomy w/ Dr. Schaff on 1/29/14 and am mildly obsessed with trying to plan for everything. I have so many nit-picky questions, and your blog is helping me answer some of those. I am on the 4HCM website as "AshFish" and that's where I saw the link to your blog.

Anyway, thank you from the bottom of my heart (pun intended) for your blog. You are an inspiration!


6:33 PM  

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