Cynthia's Summer Adventure

This blog will chronicle my journey through the process of septal myectomy surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. My surgery is currently scheduled for August 11, 2006.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Alright, this is really it.....

Update - 4 a.m. Friday, August 11.

I tried to sleep for awhile, and I think I actually even caught a few zzzzs, but it is just after 4 and I decided to get up.

To everyone at MGM, especially Stephanie, I spent the night listening to the meditation CD that you gave me. My third eye is now open and has received the light it was sent. As you know, not my normal shtick, but I must say that that CD is very relaxing and did help me calm down and fall asleep for a little bit.

I have to report to the hospital at 5:45, and first, I have to take a shower and scrub myself with this cleanser for 10 minutes. I had to do it last night also. 10 minutes is a LONG time to stay in the shower scrubbing.

Well guys, I guess this is really it. I don't think that there will be any news until dinner time or so (that's Central Standard Time for all of you west coasters). Vince will be posting updates.

See you all on the other side, and thanks, everyone for their support.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, lot of stuff going on there. I don't understand what they do the cath for exactly I don't think. The 2 incisions on the heart sounds a little scary I'm sure, but if you're like me, I'm sure you're thinking, do whatever you need to while you're in there!

Anyway, I think I have some sort of women's intuition, because I woke up @ 5:00 or before and couldn't get back to sleep, so I figured I'd write you. You're on my mind!

I just wanted to let you know that I am feeling much better and if you'd like visitors please let us know. We have to take my sister to the airport on Sun., but that's pretty soon after your surgery, (cuz we could just continue the drive.) We'll stay in touch with your husband, but just know that the offer is there.

I'll be praying for you and know that your in good hands. Stay strong,
lots of love,

4:12 AM  
Blogger Julia Hart said...

Hi Cynthia-
Thanks for giving me the link to your blog. Now I know exactly what you meant when you said there was a "little wrinkle."
As you know, you are in the best of hands with Dr. Dearani. There were "wrinkles" during my open heart surgery (a month ago today), as you know, and he knew exactly what to do!
I'll be in Rochester on Wednesday for my follow-up appt. with Dr. D. and will check your blog to see where you are with having visitors.

I am thinking about you today! Everything will be great!


7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just checking in on you and prayerfully awaiting news.
(fellow myectomite,THW, on the HCMA board)

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am anxious to hear. Love and prayers, Jan and family.

9:48 PM  

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