Cynthia's Summer Adventure

This blog will chronicle my journey through the process of septal myectomy surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. My surgery is currently scheduled for August 11, 2006.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Monday report

So, today, I am feeling a bit better in some respects, and not as well in others. I stopped taking narcotic pain killers as I think they were adding to/causing the nausea and vomiting, so I am down to just Extra Stength Tylenol, and the tummy situation is much improved. The incision doesn't really hurt too much either.

My pacemaker settings have been turned down from 90 beats per minute to 60 which is where I was before. This seems to be causing alot of pvcs, or premature heart beats which are uncomfortable, but not really dangerous. I am on a magnesium i.v. drip now to see if it helps.

I am going to be having another echocardiogram tomorrow, and if all is well, and the arrythmias calm down, I may be getting out of the hospital tomorrow to go stay at the hotel across the street. I will then see both my surgeon and my cardiologist on Friday, and then fly home as scheduled on Saturday, hoping that the NW Airlines flight attendants are not on a wildcat strike and that this new no fluid policy is not expanded or problematic.

That's it for now. Later guys....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cynthia!
Hope they are "MN nice" to you for your echo tomorrow and that all is as well as can be expected after surgery. Glad to hear that the stomach is better and no more temp, right? How's the breathing machine going? In the hospital I could barely make it to 500, but now I'm at 2500, finally!
Good news is the flight attendants won't boycott flights before 8/25, so you should have attendants to ask for lots of fluids in flight! Hope your hubby is managing to get some rest also. Let me know if you have "layover time" in between the shuttle and the airport and you'd like company. I just took my sis yesterday and she needed to check in 2 hours b-4.
Take care,

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cynthia,

Keep up the good work toward a speedy and full recovery. We are reading your reports and appreciate them very much. Hope tomorrow is a good day for you.


Barbara and Arnold

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad there is a good chance you'll be home by Sat.
If you need someone to pick you up, let me know.
Thinking of you and wishing you well. Love, Jan

10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cynthia

I just read through your blog - thanks for sharing such an intimate experience. It feels like I am there with you. The speed of your recovery seems remarkable to me. Keep it up - our thoughts are with you.


8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Cynthia

I just read through your blog - thanks for sharing such an intimate experience. It feels like I am there with you. The speed of your recovery seems remarkable to me. Keep it up - our thoughts are with you.


8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cyn Cyn!
I was checking on you and I am glad you seem to be recovering well. I am sure it isnt fun, but doing well is a good sign.
I hope NW isnt a problem- since that is what I fly to KY every other wkend!
Take Care-
Vince- get some rest too. Thanks for keeping friends and relatives in the loop=
Holly Nichols

10:19 AM  

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